Rainbow Games
Code of conduct

Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Code of Conduct

Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland (Rainbow Games) is hosted by the Pacific Rainbow Games Trust. Every participant of the Rainbow Games  will follow this Code of Conduct. By registering for Rainbow Games each participant agrees to this Code of Conduct:

Commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We recognise Te Tiriti o Waitangi as Aotearoa New Zealand’s founding document.

The Rainbow Games 24 is committed to upholding the mana of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the principles of Partnership, Protection and Participation.


Turangawaewae – A sense of place and belonging.

This is at the heart of our approach to sports and recreation for rainbow communities. We believe everyone in the rainbow community deserves to feel a sense of belonging, acceptance, and inclusion in sports and recreation activities.

We strive to create an environment where individuals can find their own turangawaewae, a place where they can be themselves, feel safe, supported, and experience a sense of belonging without judgment or exclusion. We recognise the importance of creating welcoming spaces where all individuals, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, or diverse identities, can participate in sports and recreation. We aim to build a supportive and empowering community that celebrates the unique identities and contributions of all individuals within the rainbow community.

Manamotuhake – Self-determination.

We believe that every individual should have the autonomy and agency to participate in sports and recreation in a way that aligns with their unique identity, expression, and needs. We aim to promote manamotuhake and support individuals in their journey towards self-acceptance, self-expression, and holistic wellbeing, fostering a sense of ownership, pride, and empowerment to express themselves authentically. We recognize that diversity within the rainbow communities is a strength, and we respect, protect and celebrate the unique identities, experiences, and abilities of all individuals.

Hauora – Enhancing wellness.

Our commitment to hauora is reflected in our dedication to promote and support the physical wellbeing and health of rainbow individuals through inclusive and empowering sports and recreation events. We recognize that a healthy body is an essential foundation for overall wellbeing, and we aim to facilitate an environment where rainbow individuals can thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through our events. In doing so we can empower individuals to enhance and promote a positive relationship with their bodies.

Manaakitanga – Supported approach.

We promote a culture of care, empathy, and kindness in all interactions, acknowledging and honoring their unique identities, expressions, and experiences. We aim to foster a sense of inclusion, providing support and resources that promote and affirm the dignity of all involved.

Through our events, we seek to remove barriers of discrimination or marginalization faced by the rainbow communities, where individuals feel encouraged, supported, and cared for as they pursue their passions and interest in sports and recreation alongside allies & peers.


This Code provides guidance on the behaviour expected of all people when participating in the Rainbow Games and any other related events or activities.


This Code applies to anyone involved in the Rainbow Games and includes volunteers, participants, supporters, club members, employees, service providers, and families/whānau of participants.

The Code should be read together with the Gender Policy and Well-being Policy to support an inclusive environment where all people have the opportunity to play regardless of age, ability, health status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression (where applicable), race or ethnicity, including nationality language or beliefs.

Expected Behaviours


Everyone involved with the Rainbow Games must always obey the law.

Everyone is expected to:

  • act in good faith towards the Rainbow Games
  • show commitment to the Rainbow Games ’s purpose
  • respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants, regardless of age, ability, health status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race or ethnicity, including nationality language or beliefs
  • follow the principles of fair play, and encourage others to do the same
  • respect the rights, dignity and value of others
  • be considerate and treat everyone fairly and equally
  • be a positive role model
  • communicate with others in a way that is honest and considerate
  • be committed to providing a quality service and activity/sporting environment
  • behave professionally, responsibly and ethically,
  • remain free of the influence of drugs, performance enhancing substances and alcohol while involved in the events
  • ensure safe and healthy practices at all times
  • Acknowledge the use of photography and videography equipment (including live streaming) which may be used by event staff or external media outlets to capture photos, videos, quotes and other activities
  • follow this code, policies and procedures and any applicable rules issued by the Rainbow Games  and/or report breaches of this code. This includes codes, policies and procedures of relevant regional or national sporting bodies who are involved with the event.


Participants are expected to:

  • play competitively and fairly
  • play by the rules of the activity/sport
  • be humble in both success and defeat
  • be respectful of officials/referees, coaches, team managers, teammates, and other competitors
  • refrain from arguing with or abusing officials/referees, coaches, and team managers
  • be cooperative with officials/referees, coaches, team managers, teammates, and other competitors.

Family | Whānau

Family/whānau of participants are expected to:

  • lead by example
  • remember participant enjoyment of the activity/sport is most important
  • encourage participants, not force them
  • focus on participant effort and performance, not the end result
  • never punish participants for making a mistake or not winning
  • encourage participants to play by the rules of the sport
  • encourage low-level resolution of disagreements
  • be appreciative of officials/referees, coaches, supervisors and team managers, and respect their decisions.

Coaches & supervisors

Coaches/supervisors are expected to:

  • lead by example
  • respect and treat all participants fairly and equally
  • support participants to reach their full potential, keeping in mind their individual talents, developmental stages and sporting/activity goals
  • provide all participants with equal attention and opportunities
  • operate within the rules of the activity/sport, and the principles of fair play, while encouraging participants to do the same
  • advocate a sporting environment free of drugs, alcohol and performance enhancing substances, guided by Drug Free Sport New Zealand
  • display courtesy, respect, honesty and professionalism to everyone involved in the event activities.

Rainbow Games  including family/whānau, other competitors, coaches, officials/referees and team managers:

  • provide a quality service to participants, including:
  • remain professional at all times
  • maintaining qualifications as appropriate
  • seeking continuous improvement and development opportunities for themselves
  • providing structured training that is appropriate to participants’ needs and goals  and
  • seeking advice and assistance where required.
  • provide a safe sporting environment, as far as possible by:
  • making sure all equipment and facilities meet health and safety standards
  • making sure all equipment, rules, training and environments are appropriate, considering participants’ ages, maturity (physical and emotional), experience and ability
  • encouraging participants to seek medical advice when sick or injured
  • being considerate and proactive toward sick and injured participants
  • be alert to the abuse of participants, verbally, physically and emotionally.

Team managers & supervisors

Team managers/supervisors are expected to:

  • be responsible and accountable for the overall management and wellbeing of the team/group
  • create a collaborative and inclusive team/group environment
  • have a good understanding of the Rainbow Games Kaupapa
  • be responsible and accountable for the overall management and wellbeing of the team/group.

Organisation based referees & officials

Referees/officials are expected to:

  • officiate matches fairly and impartially, placing participant safety at the heart of their approach
  • have a thorough understanding of [activity/sporting code] rules
  • condemn unsporting behaviour and encourage respect for competitors
  • support other referees/officials and encourage respect for them
  • treat all participants equally, and with dignity and respect and
  • conduct themselves in an ethical way.

Breaches of Code of Conduct and Other Policies

Breaches of the Code of Conduct and other policies are taken seriously.

All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Code of Conduct and other policies, including the Gender Policy, should be raised in the first instance with a Rainbow Games  representative or event officials involved. The Rainbow Games Director, or representative, will take all reasonable steps to resolve the dispute at an early stage.  Should the dispute persist and / or escalation be required, the issues can be raised by any participant or official to a Disputes Committee for mediation, arbitration, or determination.

In relation to the Gender Inclusion Policy, if the Disputes Committee determines that the Pacific Rainbow Games Trust has insufficiently met reasonable expectations in providing an inclusive competition opportunity for an individual participant, they will be entitled to a full refund on the related registration fees.

The Disputes Committee is composed of members appointed by Pacific Rainbow Games Trust and its decision is final.

Reporting a Breach

Individuals who wish to report an alleged breach of this policy should follow the complaints procedure outlined in the Complaints Policy and Procedure.