Rainbow Games Gender policy

Kaupapa of the Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland

The kaupapa of the Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland is to promote, encourage, assist, develop, and support recreational and competitive sporting activities for the LGBTQI+ community of Aotearoa New Zealand and provide a safe space for athletes and their supporters visiting Aotearoa New Zealand to participate in the games. Integral to this is a commitment to respect and honour the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, including a commitment to the principles of partnership, protection, and participation.  The Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau are committed to welcoming, celebrating, and including people of all cultures, in line with the concept of manaakitanga.  

All sporting activities conducted under its auspices shall be supportive and inclusive, recognising that all participants and organisers are expected to treat each other with respect, and comply with relevant policies and rules.

Policy Purpose

The vision is for participation, camaraderie, and people to be themselves.  People will also be encouraged to strive for their personal best.

Policy Commitments

The Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau is committed to:

  • Ensuring that participants can participate in events based on the principle of gender self-identification (Only a person themselves can identify their gender, this includes people with an intersex variation
  • Providing a respectful environment that supports participants’ gender self-identification, including the use of appropriate pronouns.  
  • Ensuring that personal information, including participants’ legal names, is collected, and stored in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy Act 2020
  • Including, to the best of its ability, mixed gender competitions, specific non-binary competitions, and open competitions with no gender categories. Certain sports may be run in accordance with their own codes regarding gender inclusion.


To take part in the Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau 2024, participants will need to register.  We recognise that for some, there are sensitivities that may exist around gender-related information.  

  • While registering, a participant will be required to register with Rainbow Games 2024 using their legal name, as per their legal travel documents.  This information will not be disclosed without a participant’s express written consent.  This information will only be used to establish a participant’s identity in their contractual relationship with Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau 2024, and on collection of Rainbow Games 2024 accreditation documents.
  • A participant will be able to use their own name and pronoun, which may be different from their legal name or pronoun.  For the avoidance of doubt, accreditation documents provided by Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau will only include the participant’s provided information and pronouns (to the extent that it is different from legal names / pronouns).  
  • Only for those events using distinctive gender categories, will participants be required to indicate their preferred gender of participation i.e., the gender category they feel most comfortable with when participating at the Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau.
  • The organisers specifically note that certain sports will be dealt with in accordance with their own sporting codes’ policies regarding gender participation, for example rugby.


A person’s privacy will be respected at all times and there is best practice around measures to ensure the handling of personal information is done with the utmost respect before, during and after the games and that there shall be no disclosure other than what the individual chooses to share.


The Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau organisers and those employed, and volunteering will be professional and respectful when addressing each competitor and their supporters.  They will use their correct name and pronouns.  All those working and volunteering will “be briefed (if appropriate)” on gender competency. There will be zero tolerance for any discrimination directed towards anyone participating in the games including but not limited to a participant, guest, spectator, official or volunteer. The organisers specifically note that challenging or questioning any participant on their gender, is contrary to the Kaupapa of the event.

Complaints about the conduct of athletes / officials participating in the games will be dealt with under the Code of Conduct.  

Optional Data Collection

There may be an optional statistical register that people may wish to contribute to, in order for organisers of Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau to monitor its achievements in gender-diversity.  This can be filled out electronically on available devices and will not require personal identifying information.